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What's Included

The library package would include the following:

  • Requirements
  • Link frameworks manually
    • Debug (xcframework)
    • Release (xcframework)
  • Link frameworks through cocopads


  • Xcode 14.0+
  • Swift 5.1

Framework Linking

Manual dependency

The libraries are distributed as xcframework, they must be embedded and signed with the client app.

Below are the links to download it manually:

Release frameworks: Debug frameworks :

Build Settings

For Xcode 14, the libraries are archived with bitcode disabled for iOS and enabled for tvOS respectively. Build setting ENABLE_BITCODE=NO must be added for iOS targets with client app.

Through cocopads

iOS Library Usage


  1. Install the cocoapods-art plugin by running the below command gem install cocoapods-art

  2. Create a .netrc file under your home directory with your jfrog credentials. (Please note that the password is the API key)

    login <USERNAME>
    password <PASSWORD>
  3. Run the following command to add an Artifactory repository to local machine pod repo-art add fl-ios-sdk-local ""

  4. Add the following snippet to the top of podfile.

    plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [

    pod 'Firstlight/FLFoundation'
    pod 'Firstlight/FLPlayerInterface'
    pod 'Firstlight/FLPlatformCore'
    pod 'Firstlight/FLContentAuthorizer'
    pod 'Firstlight/FLPlayer'
    pod 'Firstlight/FLPlatformPlayer'

To Resolve dependencies

  1. Run pod install

Synchronizing the cocoapods-art Plugin's repositories with Artifactory:

The cocoapods-art plugin does not automatically update its index whenever you run client commands (such as pod install). To keep your plugin's index synchronized with your CocoaPods repository, you need to update it by executing the following command(after that only u can consume the latest lib version): Run pod repo-art update fl-ios-sdk-local

Additional Dependencies (as required)

Include below dependecies in pod file as required for the customised solution.

  1. Yospace SSAI player
pod 'Firstlight/FLAdvertisingYospace'
  1. GoogleIMA CSAI/SSAI player
pod 'Firstlight/FLAdvertisingGoogleIMA'
  1. Bookmark integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLBookmarks'
  1. Heartbeat integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLHeartbeat'
  1. StreamConcurrency integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLStreamConcurrency
  1. Favorites integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLFavorites'
  1. AdvertisingGooglePAL
pod 'Firstlight/FLAdvertisingGooglePAL' 
  1. Analytics integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLAnalytics'
  1. StreamTimeline integration
pod 'Firstlight/FLStreamTimeline'

Add dependencies to Debug the Framework

  1. Add an Artifactory repository to local machine pod repo-art add fl-ios-sdk-debug-local ""

  2. Add the following snippet to the top of podfile.

    plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [

    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLFoundation'
    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLPlayerInterface'
    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLPlatformCore'
    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLContentAuthorizer'
    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLPlayer'
    pod 'Firstlight_debug/FLPlatformPlayer'

    Note: Similarly additional dependencies can be added into the pod file.