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Platform Extensions

Geo Location

The Quickplay Platform determines user's geo-location based on incoming client IP. To access the platform determined geo location info, use the following extension API

endPoint: "https://<host>",
queryParameters: nil,
platformAuthorizer: authorizer) { (result: Result<GeoLocation, Error>) in

Adobe Primetime - FLAT Token

To generate a Quickplay Access Token (FLAT) for TVE flows via Adobe Primetime, use the below extension API by passing the following info:

deviceIdStringRequiredUnique device identifier. Refer to Secure Playback for generating a unique device id.
deviceInfoStringRequiredBase64 encoded Device Info. Refer Adobe Primetime docs for the device info spec.
userIdStringRequiredAdobe user identifier.
profileIdStringOptionalUnique identifier of the user profile. This is applicable only for multi-profile user accounts.
endPoint: "https://<host>",
deviceId: deviceId,
deviceInfo: deviceInfo,
userId: userId,
profileId: profileId,
platformAuthorizer: authorizer) { (result: Result<PrimetimeToken, Error>) in

Generic Platform API

All Quickplay Platform APIs are zero-trust protected and require OAuth token. The Platform Core client library manages the OAuth token and abstracts the ability to securely communicate with the Quickplay Platform. While many of the Platform APIs are exposed as direct APIs, some tenent specific APIs might not be available as direct API on the client library. In such cases, application could use the authorizeRequest API to communicate with the specific Platform API.

Create HTTP Client

Create an HTTPClient from FLFoundation library.

let http = FLFoundationFactory.httpClient()

Initiate Request

Initiate an authorized request using the authorizeRequest APIs on the HTTPClient instance. This API allows initiating all standard HTTP requests and automatically injects the required Authentication headers to securely communicate with the Quickplay Platform.

struct APIResponse: Codable {
public let data: APIData?

struct APIData: Codable {

http.authorizeRequest("https://<host>/path", with: authorizer).responseDecodable { (response: Response<APIResponse>) in
switch response.result {
case let .success(response):
if let data = {
print("data: \(data)")

Refer the Secure Playback section for creating platform authorizer instance.