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WebMAF Player

FLPlayer for WebMAF/PS4 has exact same API surface as the Web player, with some minor differences.

Create the Player

A Player could be built by providing content url, license url and or by providing all the options as below

const contentUrl =
const licenseUrl = '';
const playerBuilder = flPlayer.createWebMafPlayerBuilder();
const player = playerBuilder

WebMAF uses native player internally and hence does not require videoElement for video rendering. The player builder does not accept the .mediaElement() unlike a regular web player.

Access Function

The host WebMAF application must forward all the messages received via the global accessfunction to the player.

function accessfunction(message) {
// application code

Subscribe for events

The application can listen to events such as changes in player state, buffering state, seek state and playback errors by registering a listener/delegate.

player.subscribe('error', function (error) {
console.log('error', error);

player.subscribe('contentloaded', function () {

player.subscribe('playbackstatechanged', function (state) {
console.log('playbackstatechanged', state);

Key differences

Playback Configuration

The following playback configuration options are not supported on WebMAF

  • Bitrate
  • Network configuration
  • Buffer configuration
  • Trickplay

End of Play

When a video is played to end of stream, the player moves into idle state since the underlying WebMAF player is unloaded. So, to enable replay, a new player instance must be created.


FLPlayer for Web moves into loaded state and allow re-playing the content or scrubbing back after playing through end of stream.


  • WebMAF does not auto-render subtitle/closed captions. Subtitle rendering must be handled on the application by subscribing to the timedmetadata event on the player.
player.subscribe('timedmetadata', function (metadata) {
switch (metadata.type) {
case 'text':
// render text
case 'cea-708':
// render caption