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DRM Playback

Quickplay Player is pre-integrated with common multi-DRM solutions.

For Playing a protected content, valid DRM and License Url has to be configured on the ASSET that is loaded during player creation.

DRM Playback
' Sample Player Creation for Platform DRM Protected Content
sub initializeVideoPlayerWithDrmContent()

asset = {
contentUrl: <value>
licenseUrl: <value>
drm: "widevine"
mediaFormat: "dash"

m.flPlayer.setField(m.flPlayerFields.ASSET, asset)
' call play

end sub

An asset obtained upon authorization from Quickplay platform can be directly set to ASSET field as is for playback. The asset contains LicenseUrl, DRM and MediaFormat informations if the content is a protected content. User dont have to configure this separately.

Supported DRM

FLPlayer supports Widevine and Playready DRM for playback.

Sending custom http with license request

The custom license headers that must be sent with license request can be set on player field LICENSE_HEADERS. This field accepts an assocarray with fields as header keys and value as header values.

Set license headers
' set license headers
m.flPlayer.setField(m.flPlayerFields.LICENSE_HEADERS, {"Header Key": "Header Value"})

All drm protected assets available with Quickplay platform are Zero Trust Proteted. So application is required to send the token available with FLPlatformAuthorizer instance as Authorization bearer token license header for playback to succeed.

' authData can be obtained from FLPlatformAuthorizer by calling ensureAuthorisation function.
licenseHeaders = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + authData.accessToken }